The Spirit of Gaza

Kanaan Musa
3 min readMay 24, 2024

Like many of you, I have spent the greater time of the last 8 months scrolling through social media, following what has been transpiring in Palestine. Mostly to come observant of death and destruction. For a period of time it felt like my feed was starting to become a gore page. I became distracted with the politics of the situation to the point where I was missing some very beautiful things that were happening in these rare moments.

Circumstances so raw, so intense, that the perfect conditions were created for a glimpse of the human soul to trickle through. A man painting his apartment that he lives in, even though the entire building is rubble. A child writing a note to a soldier across the Egyptian border, asking for help, even though he knows it will likely not be received, but he asks anyway. A circus group performing flips and tricks to bring joy to the children even though they know it will not be everlasting. But it is here now. Even if just for an instance, even if just for a moment. For the moment is all we ever really have.

Moments in time that showcase the radiance and beauty of the Palestinian people. The purity and passion of the human soul when potentiated. One that is offered as a guide to us all, where we can aspire to be. Not only do these glimpses show perseverance, but they also offer a revelation into the deep compassion we can have for self and for other. A gauge that reveals to us the capacity of the human soul for love and kindness. The willingness to give to ourselves and to each other. To withstand the harshest of conditions to the point where we may finally fully be ourselves.

I had previously deleted social media prior to coming to this awareness and felt urged to go back to it. I yearned to witness the people of Gaza, beautiful and authentic. Fully living the human experience despite the hand they have been dealt. Remaining true to themselves in relation to the burden that has been thrust upon them. How we carry the weight determines how heavy it truly is, and the Gazans are carrying it on their own, probably better than most can. Although I yearned to catch these glimpses of the lives of the Palestinian people, I did not desire to go back to social media. So instead I decided to just carry it in my heart. For the Palestinian people were now a part of my consciousness. Who they are has become a part of who I am. So I will carry it as a part of myself, and I welcome you to carry it with me. Holding the spirit of Gaza, even if just a little bit. To live life as our Palestinian brothers and sisters do. To honor them and honor ourselves by extending a similar love for harmony and life. Even if just a little bit. So long as you are doing it fully. That is what makes a little a lot. And the Palestinians are a lot. Both in resilience and in strength. In their graciousness towards the human condition, towards life, towards death. Gracious.. Regardless of what the experience brings. May we come to follow their lead, even if only in the most simple way. May we understand their trials so that we may come to face our own. So that we may one day come to know and realize that we are all Palestinian..



Kanaan Musa

Sharing thoughtful ideas through discernible writing.