Discarding Something Important

Kanaan Musa
5 min readJun 10, 2024


We need not strive for more, but we can if we want to. In truth however, all we need to do is keep and receive what is given to us. All that life sends our way. To not frivolously discard or dispose of gifts without a second notice, glance, or consideration. If we instead take the time to stop and notice, we may see that we already have everything we truly need. Whereby everything else is nothing more than an excess. Sometimes it takes a loss to make us aware of this, to put into perspective what really matters. The meaning of life and why we are really here to experience all that we experience. To know each other, and bond with ourselves. To know ourselves through each other. In companionship, abundance, and communion. This is the meaning. We are continuously recreating ourselves through family so that we can remain in community. So that we may stay connected to one another, remaining integral to ourselves. We are always in relation to each other towards our Self, if we so choose. If we remain continuously in communion, then we have known our Self, and we recall the meaning. We remember the purpose. Observe and watch life. You will see that is basic and self-evident, abundant in its conveyance of this simple truth.

I myself have a tendency to take for granted the things that come to me easily — without resistance. Somehow there is a programmed attachment for me to perceive that which is done in resistance as valuable and that which is in absent of resistance as lacking. Might be an evolutionary trait where resistance is foreseen as helping bring about the rise of newly evolved features (but who really knows!). This is especially true for things that were gifted to me, or something that came not of my own volition. I want it independently. I want to be able to do it on my own. So much so that I often devalue what life has gifted me. I no longer gratify it, even in moment where it is serving me everyday of my life. I throw it away frivolously without a second though. Later I see the truth and realize that this was something that had been supporting, sustaining, and holding me all along. But it was too late, as the moment had already passed. Rather than seeing it as a part of me, a part of the abundance of life, I witnessed it as separate from me. Out of sync with my own individuality. In contrast from my goals. In utter disregard of my hallucinated ambitions.

A part of us desires to experience the sensation of earning something. Often to the extent where we overlook the fact that everything we have received in life is supporting us so that we may attain something greater, something beyond ourselves. Something that we couldn't even imagine. Rather than creating repeat cycles of achieving the same thing, I invite you to start with yourself. Begin with the notion that you already have everything you need in order to achieve. You do not need to replicate anything that is available to you, simply accept what you have and start building from there if you feel called to do so. The prerogative however is always to gratify what we already have.

We get hung up on ideologies of independence or doing the same thing we already have in a different way that we forget that we have begun living in novelty and distraction. Where our purpose in its true rite generally tends to be something very simplistic. Minimalism. Letting go. Fasting. Abstaining. Family. Nature. Nurture. Friends. Lovers. All of these things are innate within our experience. And that experience being our presence. It is common to disregard that, but really without our presence, there is no experience. So it is the most important thing and should be seen as such.

I recently incurred a financial loss, one that put a lot of things into perspective for me. First and foremost, the fact of what I was prioritizing consciously in comparison to what I was prioritizing integrated and actively in my life. Consciously, I perceived what is most important to me. But actively, I did not make the time to interact with those things as a priority. Instead I would do everything that I thought I needed to build myself except the very thing which I considered to be important. In my case it was family and communion. Connection with myself and others. Experiences that made me feel connected to myself and experiences that facilitated connection with others. These things got put on the back-burner because I was not producing anything as a result of them. I was not directly expanding my financial wealth, and so although these were the most important thing to me, they were not getting prioritized. In fact, they were often marginalized. All the while, life is fleeting..

Now I arrive here, where I am in the knowingness that if I connect with my true purpose, aligning and making time for that which is most important to me, then naturally all of that extra stuff will come on its own. And if it doesn’t then that is okay, as it is not what I am here to do. It is just the extra stuff that I have assigned to myself. And so I connect with the simplicity of my life, and what is most important always comes first, not second, not third. You can do a million things successfully, but if you have not done the one thing you are meant to do, the one thing that is in direct correspondence with the meaning of life, then you have not done anything at all. Life has an integral purpose and it is easy to see by looking at it in a very simple way. Observing plants and animals is a good place to start.

There is an old adage that wherever your feet are planted that is where you will be. If you end up somewhere else, then great. But you gratify where you are. Where you stand. Where you are present. Where you arrive.

Abundance comes from the things that are most important in life, not in absence of them. When we are in connection, that is the energy that begets abundance, that converges into wealth. We tend to think we need to grind or focus on one thing and cut everything else out. More often then not we will see that our success is limited when we do this. But when we make it secondary and make our abundance and connection to each other our primary life directive, our wellness is amplified as well as our intention in life.

In throwing away what life gives us, we forget ourselves and often leave love behind.

This is only an analogy. The application is with many different things in life. Anything that in truth, serves and supports us to be who we are..



Kanaan Musa

Sharing thoughtful ideas through discernible writing.